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Old 17-12-2023, 01:22 PM   #40
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: ANCAP is a waste of time

Originally Posted by prktkljokr View Post
I drive a Smart car to work every day, I get "aren't you scared you will be hit by a truck", I just reply with, "I'm sure it would not matter what I drive if I was hit by a truck".

Safety ratings are for people who need that fake security blanket to feel better about their choice of car.

Its not the car that is safe, its the driver, people still die in "safe cars".

Ancap ratings are a unreal world rating, car tested for a perfect side impact at 60kph, well what if I accidently pull out in a 110 zone, what if the other driver was doing 130, what if the other driver is in a truck, side rollover test at 60, what if I hit a culvert and end for end my car at 90, Ancap can not simulate real world accidents so it is pretty much just worthless results, the chance that you have a accident and it goes down exactly as it has been tested?, you are playing Lotto.
In 2011 I t-boned a TF Rodeo at around 90km/h in my first LV Focus, hit the passenger side B-pillar of the Rodeo and bent the ****er like a banana, thing was toasted and my Focus was completely rooted too.

We both survived, I walked out of it with superficial burns from the airbags, temporary deafness and some nasty bruising from the seatbelts, though if he had a passenger they'd have been pushing up daisies for sure. I reckon if that sort of accident happened today and I was in my VSII Caprice I'd probably be the one in the ground, those things fold up like a pancake if you just look at them.

Was his fault, I should see if I can find his apology letter the court made him send to me

You're spot on, depends on how the accident plays out to the result,

Originally Posted by Top_Ghia View Post
Some of these driver assistance technologies are very poorly implemented. It’s pretty common to get complaints of cars suddenly jamming the brakes on while traveling at 100 km/h.
Lane keep is also far from perfect. It’s just not consistent enough to be called a safety system. Obviously it’s early days and the systems are improving but they need to be smarter and more adaptive.
Ford now uses Lane Centering on vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control. But to me it hugs the center line far to much. I prefer to drive in the middle or left side of the lane so end up in a constant tug of war with it. Loosen your grip and let it steer and it tells you to put your hands back on the wheel.
Make up your mind Ford. Either let me drive where I want or do it yourself. I’m not interested in a collaboration.
Was in mates Volvo yesterday and it got on the brakes big time because it picked up a car in the turning lane turning left as we were coming up behind it and it decided to jam on the brakes to prevent an accident that wasn't even on the cards.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 17-12-2023 at 01:27 PM.
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