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Old 09-09-2022, 01:47 PM   #22
Tassie f100
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default Re: How does the tip work? Never been there...

Originally Posted by .:4:. View Post
So it depends on who runs the tip. Pretty sure most councils privatised them a long time ago. Last tip run i did for domestic waste it was minimum charge $60 and 360 per tonne. So they weigh your car on the way in, give you a slip, weigh you on the way out and charge accordingly. Recycling is free, dunno how they guage that with a mixed load.
A regular domestic tip where the council garbos go wont take building material. At my old work i did a lot of tip runs with building materials and had to go to a bingo place where theyd take the skip bins. That was more expensive, but i wasnt paying.
Hot tip. Do not do a tip run when its raining or the day or 2 after rain. The tip doesnt smell pleasant when its dry, even the indoor ones. When it gets muddy, its even more unpleasant.
Bloody hell they touch you Sydney mob up with tip fees.Here the rate is $125 tonne for general and a lot of free recyclable stuff which you unload first before going over the scales
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