Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 24-03-2022, 03:10 PM   #18678
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Polyal View Post
Agreed, but, you dont know what you dont know and hindsight makes geniuses of us all.

One can only hope we learn and do things better in the future.
further to Charliewools post.

Its become old news and not for all.......yet its still going through many (another variant) as Russell's daily figure's tell.
We've moved on thankfully due to vaccine rates and people trying to get back to the new normal.
In saying that for many it still effects daily life that used to be front and centre in the media etcetc.

Staggers me how our Govs come to some decisions.
Your allowed out, go to malls or crowded areas masks dropped.
Yet workers (most) in shops and using public transport (Sydney) masks are required.
Like wtf........

Just past Friday our no2 double vaxxed son tested pos Sunday via rat test due to a mates party that night.
He got tipped off some got pos results.
Sunday night he had typical flu symptoms, aching body, temp headache.
Obviously locked him up in his room, rest of us done PCR tests Monday all negative.
He's coming out of it well by Tuesday and keeping him in the required 7days.
What I wonder is why being we test negative and doing the right thing staying home why ?
Happy to do rat tests every 2nd day for eg.......

Then just last night one of my bro inlaws sms'd me we can't catch up this weekend for his daughter tested pos from school.
Telling me its going rife at their school - he said several friends of his 2 kids are pos.

Its all old news now in the big picture but like I said, its in someone's life daily.

I saw a 4th jab is coming up for O65's soon.
No doubt about it I'm all for looking after them (heck I'm knocking at that door lol) and will make sure our aging parents and inlaws are jabbed but seriously how many more I wonder ?
Will there be another huge new outbreak, how are we gonna be managed next time as Polyal quotes, doing things better in the future.
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