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Old 26-02-2022, 10:09 PM   #45
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Been watching this unfold and I have made up my mind.

I am on the side of the Russians.

NATO expansion means US missile bases in striking distance of Moscow.
Ukraine definitely want to join NATO and Putin knows it.

No bloody way i would let a nuclear capable country put their bases in a foreign country near my country to have first strike cxapability.

Now where have I seen this before and the current leader of the free world threatened to send the world into a full blown nuclear war?

The Russians put a missile base in Cuba different to Americans putting bases in Ukraine, Poland and more.

Uncomforable reality for some people but NATO means American Nuclear umbrella, specifically aimed at Russia....and a setup of a war theatre nowhere near America.

As others have mentioned we have been molded into soft coks who are progressively emasculated with left wing fringe group interests who strut around with Iphones in their ear thinking essential oils will fix everything.
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