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Old 24-11-2021, 06:44 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default need some advice have a few questions


was wondering what software builders use to draw house plans with fast results.

is autocad going to do the job? what other software is used

looking for some software to draw up house plans as its too hard doing it by hand, so want software thats going to draw the plan up and fast, as dont have much time these days.

also would taking a laptop to a cafe and doing a bit be a problem as hear of uni students doing it all time to do a bit of work, same goes for library, where could you go that you can concentrate on it.

what are signs that its time to move into your own place and what can you do in mean time until you can buy as dont feel theres much point paying comparable money in rent when youre limited.

what does everyone on here experience to know that its time.

also dont have independent space where you could have a computer/laptop/study area and to be able to have privacy and thats why lockdowns and restrictions are hard because living in a small house.

and between the 2 areas of work am working nearly 7 days a week and was wondering how people know its time to move on and what they can do to hang on until the time is right to change.

needing a bit better work life balance and to get out of hospitality and to only work standard business hours or closer to it but at moment time isnt right.

also wanting own independent space but waiting until am able to buy and that could take a very long time, only thing that am able to do at moment might have to close everytime theres lockdowns or restrictions, what options are there that doesnt have to close everytime

how much would you need to earn a fortnight to be able to pay bills and to have a quality of life as well
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