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Old 17-03-2021, 12:43 PM   #31
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Default Re: Wierd Situation - Women

Well, let me say this. With how close this lady is to her cousin, and a new man was to enter into a romantic relationship with her, who is the 3rd wheel here?
I've had a relationship with a girl who was obsessed with hanging out with her best friend practically everyday. I would be invited over to her house all the time, at the beginning I thought it was great.
A long weekend was coming up and I wanted to go up country for a bit of RnR with her, but suprise suprise, she had already booked a flight to Sydney with her friend. I was asked if I'd like to go with them and be stuck with whatever they had planned, I politely declined and responded that I didn't want to be a 3rd wheel and get in their way, she was fine with that, and then I realised that I would always be the third wheel, at least for the foreseeable future anyway.
Not even one phonecall for the entire weekend, and when she arrived back home, didn't even call to ask how my weekend was.
I never called her, and two days later when she did, I didn't even bother to answer.

So, in summary, four months of being the 3rd wheel is all I was.
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