Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-11-2020, 06:18 PM   #7810
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
Easy to be critical with hindsight.

I watched the media release and the questions afterward and it never ceases to amaze me the way journos carry on afterward. Their sole focus seemed to be about consequences for the liar rather than the easing of restrictions.

Then trying to find fault with the decision makers was next.

Where were these experts a week ago?
Im not being critical of the decision making necessarily, there needed to be some form of action and from my own experience i expected more cases as did many South Australians judging by the turnout to testing clinics, my issue is with the lack of accountability shown by Marshall and Spurrier and i leave Steven's out of that deliberately as clearly even he seemed confused by some of the decisions and reasonings behind them.
Its clear they got it wrong, but long before they had done the contact tracing interviews the samples would have been in the petrie dish so if some interstate scientist was able to identify it as unremarkable in nature compared to previous samples, why couldn't our locals and why cant they just admit what many independant professionals already knew.

Im sorry but it reeks of a coverup, as it turns out they put the entire state into lockdown over a conversation with someone they'd probably never even heard of before whilst obviously ignoring scientific evidence.

Personally i think there is an aspect of inflated ego's at play here, placed on a pedastal for so long as an example of how to get it right that when presented with a situation they got it wrong and now cant admit it came around so easily.

Last edited by BENT_8; 20-11-2020 at 06:25 PM.
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