Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-11-2020, 05:04 PM   #7808
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
The people making decisions can only do so based on the information they have available at the time. History showed that if you sit on your hands for too long waiting for confirmation, things can escalate very quickly.

I thought the decision to lockdown was a bit knee jerk, I won't lie, but at the time the authorities were worried the situation had evolved to a very fast moving one. Can't blame them for moving fast and acting accordingly.
The thing is though Rob, the science as confirmed by leading scientists did not support Marshall/Spurriers narrative that this was 'a particularly nasty strain' of the virus, they just took the word of someone as fact, suggested it was rampant but without symptoms and shut the state down only to discover he lied.
If independant scientists said yep, there's a fast moving strain in SA you could excuse the knee jerk reaction but thats not the case and then for Spurrier, when directly asked to explain the inconsistency, rather than admit there isnt some super strain in the community she bumbled her way through an excuse saying they meant it was unique because it came from somwhere else.
The reality is, if you tested 10 complete strangers from 10 different global origins all with covid, you'd get 10 different results from the genomes none of which supports any of them being a super strain alone.
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