Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 09-09-2020, 12:11 PM   #6265
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
What was the advice from our state and federal government? Aside from keeping us under house arrest.
There have been plenty of advice provided both via the Vic Emergency App and on the DHHS web site as well as in the various news broadcasts and TV ads.

Originally Posted by Romulus
Interestingly enough stats from Dr Sutton say 40% of the population has a co-morbidity. That's an indictment on the health system in general and one could argue the governments idea of health is not in fact health but sickness.
Way back in this thread I posted the percentages of people that had one of the 5 major co-morbidities (hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer) and it was probably a little higher than the 40% quoted.

It's not got a whole lot to do with the health system in general but rather the lifestyles we lead and the fact that most of those ailments are readily managed by medication and are generally not immediately life threatening in themselves with the exception of (some) cancers of course.

Hypertension (apart from hereditary types) is linked to poor exercise, diets high in salt and saturated fat as well as diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes (the more common kind) is also linked to diet.

CVD is linked to both diabetes and hypertension as well as diet, smoking and physical condition (obesity being a major cause).

COPD is linked to environmental factors and smoking.

Cancer is the great unknown in terms of causal factors that may or may not be in our control.

I'm also not absolutely sure that all the advice provided by the CR Government has sound basis in scientific facts but at least there isn't anything in it to worsen the situation.


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