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Old 14-08-2020, 08:09 PM   #761
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Default Re: The Camping Thread

Agree. Pro's and con's to everything. Another good thing about the wind up ones is most of the sides are clear windows when wound up, as you can see in the pic I posted earlier. This gives them a nice open feel inside and you don't feel stuck in a box, like you can with some vans. It means the views are available from inside as well as outside.

A further downside is they do get cold in winter for obvious reasons. Mind you, we went to naracoorte in July and kept warm enough with just a little fan heater (240v though).

Shav, at least you're doing your homework. When we decided we might want to get back in to camping for our kids, we wasted a lot of money buying a tent and associated furniture only to use it once and decide tenting wasn't for us. I think a lot of my journey is in this thread (I did start it). If I had my time again I would probably bypass the wind up and go straight to an expander type van/pop top. Just easier for one night stop overs etc.

So if you are looking to get in to exploring the outside world, try to work out fairly well exactly which type of accommodation suits you.

Lots of people offer advice, which is great as you get to tap in to their experiences, and then you just hand pick the bits that apply to you and discard the rest... or all of it

If you ever want to check mine out just give us a yell. Takes 5 min to set it up.
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