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Old 29-12-2019, 11:21 PM   #258
Away on leave
Join Date: Apr 2019
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Tech Writer: Recognition for the technical writers of AFF - Issue reason: Outstanding work on the FG ICC issues. Technical Contributor: For members who share their technical expertise. - Issue reason: The insane amount of work he has put into the Falcon FG ICC is unbelievable. He has shared everything he has done and made a great deal of it available to us all. He has definitely helped a great deal of us with no personal gains to himself. 
Default Re: FORD technical service bulletin : ICC touch screen display

Dyslexics untie! The flies were not too bad today.

In all seriousness though, I do recall these ICC units do not save settings unless you change them with the ignition on. That means, you come to a halt and park the car listening to music with the engine off.. You're done and switch off the radio.. You come back to the car some time later and start it - and the radio turns on! I thought the unit was broken when I bought it, but I did that quite a few times and eventually realised something else was going on.

Now tonight, I went back to the car to see if everything was still good... But I didn't have the ignition on when I was using it earlier... So it forgot that I had selected shuffle (which doesn't matter - those numbers on the front of the filenames are my own randomisation - I don't need shuffle). But it also wanted to "check" before starting to play the last "ignition on" song before I selected shuffle, that the USB device was in fact the same one - it took 2 minutes!!!!!

I'll keep an eye on it, if it starts up straight away tomorrow morning I'm good with what I've done - and I can always cull files if it's bad and I get annoyed.

I envisage a Ford executive sticking their USB stick in the 2011 model and saying to SWSA, what gives?, we can't sell these things if they don't start playing straight away!! SWSA says, Oh yeah, right, we'll fix that right away. Ford guy comes back and tests it - says - good work fellas!
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