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Old 27-03-2006, 02:46 PM   #342
Regular Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: SE QLD
Posts: 223

Just noticed this one.

I started about 4 weeks ago. Eating better (alot better, crisps and sweets and crap like that are now a treat rather than a staple) more salads / vegies and lean meals, nice big breakfast of fruit, bran and low fat milk (mostly a good spread and moderation in the so-called bad things), and doing weights and a fair degree of stretching etc. Not alot of cardio just yet though.

I've lost just over 10kgs lost so far, which is really noticable as my pants now are loose rather than the tight they were . I've started to suppliment my diet with additional protien intake as well to assist with muscle building as well (makes a nice dessert with no / low fat milk after a workout too).

Goal was to get down to 80kgs before building muscle but I think that will be a little more difficult now as I'm already starting to build muscle. I will be happy to sit around the 84kg mark I am now for a little while (losing more fat and building muscle). Was just over 94kg 4 weeks ago.

Getting back to the gym is great fun, was hard the first few weeks but now I really look forward to it and recovery time is much lessened. Muscles were sore 2 - 3 days after a workout and are now only sore for up to 24 hours. I do 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps of each muscle group chosen for a workout to build strength and endurance as well as a little mass.

What fun!

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