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Old 13-03-2017, 08:46 PM   #799
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
Posts: 8,385
Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

I've been doing some thinking on my recent chain of events. Now it's nothing horrible but considering I feel good (normal) in where my head space is at the moment I have no issue sharing. Late October the wifes father went 0 to 100 with his mental state. The wife would dump her over reacted issues onto me and not have a bar of any of mine. Not so happy making, especially with the most minor things turning into arguments. She then went to stay at her mums to help out with the situation and her dad needed 24 hour supervision. That was November. My suggestion of professional help apparently was a bad idea even though i have a sybling in the mental health industry. December I got quite sick to the point of hospitalisation and weight loss, and a week off work. My mum came to visit, the wife did not. Back to work, and working by myself, feeling I'll most the time and with no energy I often over exerted myself to do the same amount of work as when I had an offsider (I'm an electrician) I'd often come home, throw up and go to bed. It's kind of a beat down when you can't function at full capacity. Between December and February communication between the wife and myself improved, we are back to being friends again but the road is a long one so I won't rush it. Early Feb another trip to the hospital. Since December I had lost 11 kgs I couldn't afford to due to (still a mystery even though I've had blood, breath and every other excrement tested) the same illness, this time she visited and before saying anything burst into tears. You look like **** she said. I also felt like it. I've so far regained and currently work have given me an offsider so I only have to work at 70% capacity (retard apprentice is only capable of 30% of the work). Having worked with a busted rib for the past 2 weeks has been awesome also. The relationship between the wife and I has improved slightly but that takes time, the friendship is almost back. I have had my grievance period and what ever happens now just happens. I'm keeping optomistic.
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