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Old 09-04-2016, 11:04 AM   #415
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by 223thecure View Post
I never cease to be amazed at just how prevalent this kind of human behaviour is in our decadent Western societies, dealing with our 'First World problems'.

I have just spent the last 18 months living in the 'Third World' in and around people dealing with poverty on a scale that most Westerners just could NEVER become accustomed to. What has amazed me is the resilience of these people who have NOTHING ... next to NO money, NO proper accommodation & for the most part ... are ALWAYS hungry ... BUT you never hear them complaining ! They just 'suck it up' & get on because there is NO assistance from Government. There is NO Centrelink to hand out free money, there is NO Medicare to provide free medical treatment, there is NO 'subsidised' rentals for low income earners ... there is just a daily struggle to stay ALIVE !!!

I have rationalised that these people living in the most attrocious conditions where there is no care from the government whether you live or die ... these people just simply do NOT have the 'Luxury' of being 'Depressed' ... and believe me, they have GOOD reasons to be anxious & depressed ! Instead what I see in them is they just accept .. and make the best of what they have.

Would love to take my kids there and show them how nice their life is ... instead of whining about not getting a new $100 Xbox game, they could see people including their kids living on the side of a 6x lane highway in a packing crate built humpy with a leaky tarp for a roof. NO running water, NO bathroom, NO toilet, NO electricity ... absolute, abject POVERTY !!!

Depression seems to be a luxury that us decadent Westerners are afforded ... something that people who really do it tough in life, don't have the luxury of 'suffering' from !

For me, the last 18 months has helped me see the world in perspective and understand what a PARADISE we live in, here in the luckiest country in the world !

Just my 5c worth !

Wow...awesome and honest reply. First world problems.

A mate said to me once, depression the new virus. I agree cos many do not do that hard yet complain about feeling down for a day or 2.I have mates who do strugle and feel for them but they did grow up in a hard life styles but they always talk and just move on.
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