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Old 22-02-2006, 01:14 AM   #22
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by FJ20ET
Havent listened in yet but when will they bring mandatory annual vehicle safety checks up here.
Im from nsw originally and I can safely say 99% of nsw cars are in a lot better condition than qld cars. I'd pay 100 dollars a year for a vehicle check safety if it meant getting rid of all the rust buckets and ИИИИ boxes off of our roads.
Then they should look at the way germany conducts their licence testing and implement some of theyre practises,its very difficult to obtain a license there.Maybe if they had proper driver training not just a road rules test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yep have to agree with the bad cars but this isnt the worse state for crappy cars.....
mmm driver training, yes have to say thats a good idea.. but hey, if they just taught the drivers in Qld how to deal with round-a-bouts .... part of the battle would be possible won!!!!!!!
Im not sure if its Qlder's themselves or those that migrate here, but blimey... surely its not that hard to figure the rules out is it?????
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