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Old 28-01-2015, 08:17 PM   #55
poppa smurf
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Default Re: $700-a-year increase running an airconditioner & snap price rises of as much as 15,000 %

Originally Posted by danzvtil View Post
Theres another "device" out there, not sure what its called but it allows remote control of your AC compressor-IE refrig AC has 2 parts, the internal blower unit and the external compressor(which uses the bulk of the power load).
At predetermined peak loads, the power company can remotely switch off x number of compressors in each street for a predetermined amount of time only (like 10-15 mins) this has the effect of shedding load across a suburb while the internal AC blower still operates. For the life of me I cant see where this saves power as when the compressor is reactivated, it will have to work that bit harder to cool the inside air back to where it was before the shutdown. There was a trial of this system in SA at one stage but not sure where it is now.
There was talk a few years ago of houses having to notify the power company of how many ac units are in their premises.
It will get to a stage when new system installs will need to be approved with a device of this nature, big brother will definitely have a hand over your power use.

do you have any literature on this? mate, we just installed a new unit before chrissy and I remember that the mob who installed the unit had to notify the power mob.

at the time I wondered why! simply assuming that it was to do with the compilation of the drain on local lines.

I wonder if ours has this?......if so i won't be happy.

and yes I agree, the savings made will be soaked up to "recool" the house.

G'day....I'm Dave, ...everyone calls me Poppa,..05.. B.A. Fairmont mark II...

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