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Old 24-01-2014, 08:29 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by Skramit View Post
Any of u guys done a track day yet?

Couple of Qs:
Do I need a special license to do a track day?
How much do they generally cost? Eg Philip island or Sandown or whatever.
What does a rookie need to know before even thinking about attending and flogging my car for a bit? Insurance implications? Warranty?
I have done one track day so far in the Fiesta ST. I've done 3 or 4 with my previous xr4. They are brilliant fun. If you can manage to go with a group on a private track day they are much better than the open public days, though public days are still pretty fun.

You'll need a cams licence or the track may give you a special licence for that particular track. There's no testing or anything, you just pay them the money and they give you the licence. I would have to look up how much they cost but it wasn't that much.

I'm not in Vic but track days normally seem to be around $150 for the day. The tracks' websites would tell you and give a calendar of upcoming events.

Obviously make sure your car's in good nick before you go. Take anything loose out as it will fly around on the track and damage something. A tyre pressure gauge is a good idea too as your tyre's pressure increases as they heat up and you may need to let some air out. Also when you finish a session don't put your handbrake on as it can crack the disks when they're really hot.

No insurance policy will cover you on the track but you'd have to be doing something pretty silly, especially in a Fez St, to get into that much trouble. Don't tell Ford you've been to track days and you'll be right with warranty. I wouldn't let the risks put you off. You bought a performance hatch, you might as well drive it like it's designed for. Something you can't do on public roads.

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