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Old 28-08-2013, 08:51 PM   #487
I totalled my XR6
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by ford71V8 View Post
Blonde lady holding up a lengthy line at the servo.
She's not really to blame I guess....she's been asked for the extra 5c she needs to pay and is frantically searching her handbag for a stray coin.
Eventually the lady behind the counter decides its OK and says "Dont worry I will amend it here for you". Blonde says No No, I know I have 5c somewhere here.
Counter lady finishes up transaction and hands her a receipt but the lady continues to rummage through the tonnes of crap, some of it now on the counter. She finds 5c, puts it on the counter and the world is good, the line moves forward!

My turn.
I have put $30.03 of Premium in my tank and I am holding a $50 note.
I hand it over and say Lets use that 5c there and save you counting out my change.
She looks at me and starts counting out $19.95.
Gee thanks for all the change lady.

You went over $30, I have to charge you the 5c.
But you were prepared to let the other lady off?
She was holding up the line.
Look, we are arguing over 1c.... If I had stopped at $30.02 I would be receiving $20 in change, not all these coins.
New lady butts in pointing out there is a keypad allowing me to plug in exactly what I want to purchase if I have such trouble stopping the bowser at an exact number.
Grrr, don't speak to me like I'm an idiot unable to operate your complex machinery.
I started getting mad and made a point that as it is I'm not very pleased because due to the 91UL pump being out of action I have had to purchase more expensive fuel and accepted this mainly due to the very busy situation happening at the servo.
She tells me the 91UL pump is fine.
Well, take the bloody sign off it then, telling everyone its inoperable!!

Man, I was annoyed by the arrogance and smugness of this chick.

Expect me back every Tuesday......I will make a point of filling to $xx.02 every time just to annoy you.
God I'm pathetic. But I cant let the small things go - wife reckons its gonna kill me, she's probably right
You should try working at a servo and dealing with all the stupid, arrogant customers...
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