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Old 11-01-2006, 09:45 PM   #72
FTF Club Moderator
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Driving my Tickford T3 Wagon in Sydney
Posts: 3,132

I am on the side that "Speed does not kill its the sudden stop that does" camp. If you are involved in an incident at moderate to low speeds you can walk away (Not everytime but generally you can) and have a smashed or written off car . You can have a high speed crash and walk away with some broken bones and be alright (considering). Not every high speed crash ends in a fatality mainly just a written off car. All that matters at the end of the day is that everyone is ok. I am sure I and most of ou would still get p!ssed off though.

To get your L's is an absolute joke you get asked 40 questions, get 38 of them right and you passed. My sister who was 11 at the time could of got it. You dont need any car experience at all to legally drive on our roads, regardless if you have a fully licenced driver there. They can control the car, only the driver can. One question I will never forget from the test is:
Q: You see train tracks ahead what do you do?
a) Continue driving with out looking and cross.
b) Stop on the tracks and then look.
c) Stop before the tracks look to see oncoming trains and then cross when it is safe o do so.
d) Find another route to get to your destination.

A blind monkey on cocaine could answer that question. How can you justify getting that question right then giving them a licence. Or even worse they get that wrong and still get their licence.
Albert Einstein:
Es ist schwieriger, eine vorgefaßte Meinung zu zertrümmern als ein Atom.
(It is more difficult to alter a preconception than split an atom)

Falcon Tickford FPV (FTF) Car Club of NSW

Fords in the Park 2010

I use and recommend Stingray Car Security.
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