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Old 07-01-2013, 11:49 PM   #1265
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Im not into weights etc,,well not story is a tad different..

After attending my partners Birthday lunch on Sunday April 30 2012 and guttsing myself on steak and ice cream (not together) I ended up with an extreme case of indegestion
(surprise surprise)
Whilst experiencing "heart attack" like symptoms and seeing the "I wish i had my heart attack again" tv ad, i logged onto, studied said symptoms, contacted my
employer that i wouldnt be coming to work on the Monday and shuffled off to Hospital.
However before getting there the pain and symptoms stopped, so i went back home and decided to attend my doctor the following day as my friends & family have been at me to have an "over 40" check up (something I, as a male, dont do, as 'us men' dont frequent our Drs coz.."she'll be right mate"..famous last words in most cases)..nothing to lose and it would clafify any thoughts of heart issues

On May 2nd 2012, my blood test results stated
" theres no issue with my heart, everythings good.."
However, My Triglycerides are high.
(In the human body, high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream have been linked to the risk of heart disease and stroke.)
Blood glucose is 16.4 mmol (should be between 4.0 & 8.0 mmol--millimole--one thousandth (10−3) of a mole-- the base SI unit of amount of matter)
Cholesterol is 9.7, extremely high is 5.5, should be no higher than 2.5 and...
Im a Diabetic"

Doc says "Diabetes is no longer a death sentence..however, if i do nothing, Dr cant guarantee ill reach my 46th birthday, but CAN guarantee ill be dead before 50 !!
According to L&E BMI calculator, at this time (May 4 2012)
Based on your Height (197 cm) and your Weight (117 kg) your BMI is 30.2
This means you step in the High health risk range

As a result of not eating healthy, balanced, regular meals (breakfast, morn tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner) my Metabolism had slowed to almost nothing, and the excerise i did with work (courier at Toll Ipec Brisbane) made little difference to loosing any weight, instead i was gaining!
My weight at the time of diagnosis was 117 kgs and Im 6'5", i knew i was obese,even though everyone says i "carried it well, because of my height, its a healthy BMI" a huge misnomer (as Im sure most males go to their graves wondering why,if everyone whom isnt a Dr keeps telling them theyre fit and healthy????)

Without a working metabolism, my pancreas slowed down to almost nothing, (its damage IS irrepairable) so it wasnt producing enough insulin to carry glucose into my muscles to burn off, Blood glucose would in turn, convert to fat, and was filling my blood with fat. My Liver in turn, almost shut down and when its not working properly, it pumps huge amounts of BAD Cholesterol into the blood, thus a high Triglyceride reading

With medical assistance (Metformin to help low level of insulin to do its job and Crestor to combat cholesterol) L&E 1800cal 7 meals/ day per week, reduced my 117kg to 102 within 14days.

(incredible & to this day, i dont know where it went )

Within approx 8 weeks my weight had reduced to and leveled at 92kgs..approx 2 weeks after that, with the aid of a toothache and not being able to eat, given my metabolism was now working at 100% i lost a further 4 kgs and have after 5 months accordining to L&E :
Based on your Height (197 cm) and your Weight (87 kg) your BMI is 22.4
This means you step in the Healthy Weight Range

After my 2nd quarterly blood test,(1 every 3 mths)
1. my Blood mmol had reduced and leveled out at was 7.0
2. my Cholesterol which was 9.7 had staggeringly reduced to 1.9, and my doc and I, contribute the majority of that to a healthier diet as he never expected the medication to have had that much of a dramatic effect on my cholesterol in such a short time.
He told me now that,
"As long as you keep doing what youre doing, theres no reason why you cant live into your 80s & 90s"
A massive change in opinion, given his original statement declared an early death before my 50th and Im 45 at the moment :P

Im NOT selling anything, other than cut down on your sugar and fat intake as the amounts of diagnosed diabetics is estimated to explode into the millions in just Australia alone in the next 2 years

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