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Old 18-08-2011, 07:09 PM   #22
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Default Re: Au wheel bearings, easy to replace yourself?

Originally Posted by fowlerj
Thought I'd ask here.

Anyone used these before? They've had 78 people purchase them but people tend to leave feedback before installing parts.
$50 for a pair of BA/BF bearing hubs with free postage now that's cheap. Quality control will be the problem, you might be lucky and they last for years, or you might just get the 1 in 100 (or more likely 1 in 20, considering that you only need one bad ball bearing in a 1000) that lasts only a few months. Problem with the feedback is that you probably won't know for a month or 2 if they are going to last -yes 20,000 km 1 year warranty , but I guess you have to send the failed hub back and wait a week or 2 for the replacement. Who's going to do that.
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