Thread: Panic Attacks
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Old 16-06-2011, 05:22 PM   #58
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Default Re: Panic Attacks

Originally Posted by gtfpv
i have the cure , and the answer . what you do is this , when you feel one upon you , take some deep breaths , relax , sit still , wipe your brow , remember other people in the room have no idea your having one , put your hand on your cheek and try to think nice thoughts , after a few minutes take some more deep breaths , when all this fails , look quickly for an exit remember no one else is aware , now frantically get the F# out of there , then open your eyes relax taking it all in , look around you , you may see the roof , because you made a fool of yourself , completely lost it , and you are on a stretcher being thrown into the back of an ambulance , see , no problem , handled that one well . LOL.
JUST SO PEOPLE KNOW , i made this up . it is a joke . however i can understand this happens to some people , and it isnt funny , but a sense of humour goes a long way . as i said . i recken everyone has a situation that would put them into a panic attack . i dont regard it as abnormal , as 100% of people would have some sort of panic attack in thier lives in my opinion.
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