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Old 15-04-2011, 01:04 AM   #24
I totalled my XR6
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Australia
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Default Re: Admit your Garage Mistakes

*Spent six hours modifying a dodgy wiring job in my twin cam corolla - was the worst I'd ever seen.
*Put in loom for new cd player, got rid of ancient JVC unit.
*Ran new speaker wires, earth wire, constant wire and live... all works great (AWESOME).
*Checked and made sure all speakers worked, they did.
went to the shed and modified the CD player brackets to fit cd player and car.
*Come back to car to install cd player, put it in and turn on to ACC to check it works, nope.
*Check fusebox in driver's kickpanel - radio fuse is fine.
*Get my uncle out (he was living with us at the time) with his multimeter to check earth, live and constant as my test light wasn't super reliable.
He told me it had good earth, live and constant.
*He tells me I must have touched the circuit bored with the screwdriver somehow when putting the brackets on... impossible to do. "CD player is stuffed"

*I check fuse at back of cd player, its fine.
Massively ticked off at this point after spending all day fixing the wiring of the previous-gorilla-owner, then running new wires all over the car + installing new cd player...
*I called it quits, drove around for a couple of months minus any music as I was told it "must be the cd player".

*A couple of months later I got a decent paycheck and went down to autobarn bought a new unit.
*Got home in the pouring rain - Soldered up the new loom. DOESN'T WORK!!!
*Look at kickpanel fusebox again, fuse is fine. Have a sudden thought, open bonnet, look in fusebox - there is another "radio fuse" and it was fried.
*Replace fuse, turn to ACC - cd player turns on.

When pushing the bracket in, I must have clipped the earth wire and caused it to short the fuse out.
I later found out that it was NOT getting live... which is rather important.

*Get old cd player, take radio out of falcon and quickly wire up the new loom (was due to leave for the drive-in in less than half an hour), turn ignition to ACC... CD player works.
*send my uncle, now in WA a polite email*

Then the cd player I bought for the Corolla stopped playing CDs, everything else works though. Could not be bothered taking it back as I'm selling the car... to my uncle.
The original CD player is still in the falcon, going strong after a year and a half.

I felt like a massive nob after that.
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