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Old 18-11-2010, 07:08 PM   #64
Size it up
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Many of us are saying that there is no evidence in this case. If the paper is to be believed there was some evidence tendered in court.
From the article I quote
"Forensic consultant and defence witness Bob Davie today told the court he had examined data from the unmarked police vehicle’s Automatic Vehicle Locator, known as the “black box”.
He conceded that police could have reached speeds of 160km/h but not on the stretch of road they described where they hit that speed before pulling back."
So that's the only real evidence, cold, hard, and irrefutable evidence that the court had available to it that could unquestionably be taken into account.
As a consequence of this evidence, the police don't really have a leg to stand on.
Personally, I would be inclined to take the word of the police as correct, but if the courts start making decisions that refute hard evidence and rely only on hearsay, well that's a horrifically slippery slope and we should all be very concerned about where it could and would take us.
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