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Old 18-10-2010, 12:53 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz
Not sure what you mean by “most of your driving life”? You want the car to last 40+ years?

As an alternative to a Falcon, you might want to consider a Mondeo, good size without the power.
No thats not what I meant.. I meant something that would last me at least a few years.

I looorve the latest Focus, but it's out of my range and a Mondeo I dont like. I guess im just picky.

Originally Posted by jaydee
Then one day she realised it had electric seats so she could raise the height and has a better driving position (even though I told her about it when we first got it).

She says she loves driving it and feels safe in it (had a bad crash in a Pulsar when she was younger).
haha she sounds like me.. short! but just a question how does the electric drivers seat work? I know it sounds like a dumb question but i'd like to know.

if you are interested Jaydee im looking at this one: purple XR6

Originally Posted by AussieAV
Listen to the sensible advice about things like safety, running costs, insurance costs etc
Aussie AV, It was surprising that most of the insurance companies I contacted will not insure me in a medium sized Japanese ricer such as a stock Lancer, old school Skyline, and not anything remotely in relation to a Mondeo or a Focus. I thought it was a bit wrong to offer a person like myself insurance for a large car such as the Falcon and not for a medium sized car like the aforementioned. I will keep looking around.

Originally Posted by BENT_8
My advice for you would be to go with the XR6, try and find one with reverse park sensors to help with parking etc.
The falcon, although a large car, will see you through many years of trouble free motoring, is reasonably cheap to register, insure and maintain and parts are plentiful if you happen to need them.

The Falcon may be a handful for a few weeks but you'll learn to love it and feel very safe, which should keep the parents happy
Thats exactly why I looked at the Falcon. I figured the Falcon was a very safe car to drive and one that I wouldn't be scared of driving. I said to them.. Who's gonna be driving? you or me?

kinksta haha! maybe you should just stick to the G6ET!

Keep the advice coming cos i'd still like to know everyone's thoughts on this!
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