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Old 04-09-2010, 10:54 PM   #18
DoreSlamR's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Big Damo
Except our best allies are on the other side of the world and tied up in two wars.

Though, going by the chinese steel we just got in at work, I wouldn't worry about it, they'd leave China and then all their boats will sink in the ocean.

Arguably, I reckon the best defense force in the world, is easily Israel. There is no one more battle hardened then those guys and their high tech equipment, they also mainly use US equipment.
We get just about all our steel from China.

And this is where China don't need to invade because they already have us bent over, we process the iron ore, sell it to China for a nice cheap price and then buy the steel back at a ridiculous premium.

Then there is the fact that we are a commonwealth nation so our sister nations will be here in a jiffy.

Then there is all of the USA's assets that are here, America won't let anyone get near them.

So, the chance of an invasion is very slim, not to say there won't be any sign of conflict between Australia and China, far from it and the recent (2009) defense white paper identifies China, Indonesia and North Korea as significant threats in the Asia Pacific region.

IMHO NK are the ones to watch, they have a paranoid leader with an itchy trigger finger.
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