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Old 05-08-2005, 12:52 PM   #51
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by Plunkett
Putting things like $$$ and power aside for a second, consider which one will cause you more aggravation? When you do make decision and spend all that time on the upgrade, you're going to want the car to run like it's God with a firework forced up his *** (don't now if that would make God faster but I find the idea amusing). You don't want it sitting on stands the rest of it's life while you play around fixing up all the little things that go wrong.

If you look back on the history of Brendan's white el, it hasn't exactly been smooth sailing. He spent allot of time planning out the charger and then allot of time building it. He then spent allot of time rebuilding it over and over again and just couldn't get a reliable runout of it with out something braking. The end result, he ripped it out, worked out a crazy turbo set up and now has an insane beast of pure power.

I think you know what the more efficient way to go is, the question is are you going to regret giving up your dream and going a Turbo.

What ever way you go as long as you can thrash Dan I'll be happy.
All very good points but I doubt either will give massive aggravation, or less aggravation than the other one. All pretty similar in a lot of ways. This is not a “slap it on at home” setup but a professional build so most of the little things should be discovered and sorted during the build. Sure, there’s always the potential for issues later on and the more power you chase the more chance of issues. I’ve already accepted this and, as the car wont be a daily driver, it doesn’t bother me. That’s the hard part, finding the limit of power before things go pear shaped…. And then choosing to go past it or not. Personally I think this issue would arrive with the Turbo based on other parts not being capable to deal with its potential power…and, for the Supercharger, with the Vortech components reaching their limits before the rest of the car.

As for Brendens EF, it ran a powerdyne that was so stressed over its rated capabilities that it was never going to last. A Vortech is a totally different prospect…designed for much higher psi levels and a stronger design.

Either way, it really has now come down to me working out if option 2 – Personal Satisfaction is going to be achieved by power or style. The turbo is by far the more powerful option but, to me, still lacks style. The Supercharger has all the style in the world, but is going to be limited to a rwkw ceiling. Bastardo of a decision really.

In the end though, if the Supercharger can’t reliably live at 300rwkw then all the style in the world won’t make a bit of difference.

Originally Posted by dansedgli
Casper come for a ride in my car on the 13th if your coming to heathcote. Its smooth in traffic and can be kept off boost but anything more than half throttle in traffic is sideways! I am scared to drive on 14psi all the time. The passengers are moreso! :evilking:
Can't make it on the 13th unfortunatly but I have been for a ride in it a few times with Mal and it was nuts. Considering your running much more power than he was, I think it would be a sphincter scaring experience.
Older, wiser, poorer.

Now in Euro-Trash. VW Coupe V6 4motion.
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