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Old 21-07-2008, 05:51 AM   #159
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Originally Posted by SSbaby
Do your research on macroeconomics. You'd realise Bush only cares about the rich and prosperity of his own nation relative to other nations. You only refer to microeconomic matters in your rant... in other words, he doesn't care about the GM, Ford companies of this world. He only cares about banks, oil, defense, the USD etc... and doesn't care about the US foreign debt because he believes there is only one strong nation on this planet and that it could do whatever it wants without interference. Even if the middle class has to pay for it.
The Detroit/Michigan economy is not microeconomics. It actually affects the whole country. Home foreclosures at a record high, is a national issue... how the heck is that microeconomics and not macroeconomics? Anyway, my whole point of mentioning Bush, was that his goal of using oil shale to bring down the price of oil, was a better alternative to Obama's pushing the ethanol and biodiesel thing. I personally think it's another side-stepping thing, but it's a better one than Obama's.
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