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Old 29-03-2005, 12:13 AM   #68
RED_EL_XR8's Avatar
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This is intriging to say the least. Th fan shown in the photos wouldn't draw 11A withouth the insulation dripping from the wires.

As stated previously a supercharger is effectively a compressor not a fan. An axial fan will not work effectively into a high static head, they are typically utilised to discharge into open ducts or into free air.

A competitor E-RAM discounts axial fans as fraud, junk and conravention of their patents. A bit more research an my personal opinion is that these are also junk & fraud, just much higher priced junk. They run a much better designed fan but even at its 57Amp draw it is unlikely to be able to produce much comression in the intake. Thes guys propose axial-flow fans I guess thats there marketing hype for a fan blade with a better design and fan curve. But its still a fan.

So a modern Alternator at around 110/120A, minus about 45A for ECU AUTO BEM etc, not going to be practical. But wait we can plonk 2 more batteries in the boot, OK how do we charge these? not whilst in motion obviously, And we have just added at least $400 to the price for wiring relays, battery mounts batteries etc.

These next ones Thomas Knight lokk like the may have a motor impeller combination capable of actually achieving some boost. A compressor at last. But all the problems of how to drive them just compound, more Amps etc.

So without getting the sliderule out its not looking good, an average road going supercharger is going to sap about 10Kw of energy to do its job allowing the engine to produce even more Kw. so 10Kw/12V = about 834 Amps.
Axial fans I dont think so, and a boot full of traction batteries from a nearby forklift isn't going to do wonders for your quarter times either.

I'm not going to suggest bunkum, but frankly until I can see some real life independant testing and proving of results then I cant see any reason for anyone to be parting with the folding stuff. (filed with energy polarisors, magnetic fuel ionisors, etc in the awaiting proof cabinet.)
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